Best Movies Of 2017 List

I know these lists are everywhere right now but here’s mine anyway.

The Best 50 Films of 2017 Video Countdown – PART 1

I’ve been a bit ambitious and put together a top 50, yes 50!

This week I’m just posting numbers 50 to 25 (yes I know that’s one too many for an accurate 50%) but I was feeling generous enough to give you more than half.

It’s a little video I’ve put together and it includes music from the years films too.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments box below please.

Next week: numbers 24 to 1.

The 40 Year film Challenge.

The History: So I worked out recently that 2018 is the 40th anniversary of me stepping foot into a cinema. In December 1978 my Grandmother took me “the pictures” (as we called it) in my local town of Ashton-Under-Lyne, (UK)  for the first time in my life. I was 6 years old.

The cinema we went to was called The Odeon in 1978, but I know it mainly as the Metro which became its name in 1981 and lasted until it closed down in 2003.

but back in 1978 the film my Granny took me to see was Superman: The Motion Picture – it blew my tiny mind and I have been in love with the possibilities of cinema ever since.


The Challenge: Its a moment in my life worth celebrating so I have decided that this year I am going to watch at least 2 films for each of the years I have been frequenting cinemas. That’s 80 films to watch at least.


The Rules: Breaking the year down into 40 chunks of 9 day periods, I will dedicate each “chunk” to a year. Starting with 1978 I am going to simply choose a couple of movies and watch them. I’ll then blog about them.

Some weeks (I’ll still call the chunks weeks even though they are 9 day weeks) I may watch more than 2 movies from a given year but that will be my minimum number. Its a chance to catch up on some old favourites, catch up on things I have missed and also give a second chance to things I didn’t like at the time.

Now you would think Superman would be the perfect place to start, but actually I am going to save that for the actual anniversary in December and then maybe watch the whole Christopher Reeve franchise.

First film in the challenge – coming soon.

Please let me know in the comments below of any movies you think I should watch or what your favourites are from whichever year I am doing.


This challenge is in addition to my Disney project which is still ongoing and about to get a relaunch now that Christmas is done with.