DC Comics Week. Part 5: JUSTICE LEAGUE

Stretching the definition of the word, “week” by finally presenting the final DC review (for now).

DC Comics Week. Part 5:


I’m going to keep this one short. I hate this film.

It has to be the cheapest looking blockbuster I’ve seen since 1987’s Superman 4:The Quest for Peace.

I felt that as a fan of these characters, the filmmakers didn’t care about me at all and expects us to accept the woeful effects, terrible writing and unintentionally hilarious performances without any criticism. DC are taking its audience for granted and that I feel has backfired on them badly.

I really don’t want to waste time on this film by breaking it down, I just want to implore anyone fortunate enough to have not yet seen it to STAY AWAY FROM THIS FILM.


OK here’s one example of the budget filmmaking. We are introduced to a Russian family and rather than bothering with more actors or at least CG crowds, the studio decided that this family is all we need to see to understand how the human population is affected by these world threatening events. It’s as if the director saw an amateur stage production and just decided to use the same casting method yet still expect us to believe in an epic scenario.

Right, as I want to get on with my upcoming Disney reviews and some Christmassy things I have planned. I am leaving it at that but will add that if you MUST watch this film, make sure you get ready to laugh at the awfulness of it all.

I still don’t hate this as much as Suicide Squad because that was just nasty, thee is at least some attempts at fun here so am giving it a 3/10 as that represents a film so bad that it’s slightly entertaining. Slightly!

Final Score: 3/10

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